Himalayan Salt Plate, 12" x 8" x 1.5"
- 100% Himalayan Salt
- Preheat slowly to use as a cooking surface over gas range or grill.
- Measures 12³ x 8³ x 1.5³.
Using a salt plate results in a milder flavor than when using ground salt. Himalayan salt is rich in trace minerals, which adds to the depth of flavor your foods will achieve when cooked, chilled, or simply presented on the plate. Himalayan salt plates have naturally low moisture contents, which allow the plate to be heated or chilled to extreme temperatures. The Charcoal Companion Himalayan Salt Plate is a block of history many years in the making. The plate comes from an enormous pink salt boulder, harvested from ancient salt mines in the far reaches of the Himalayas. That salt boulder was crafted into individual blocks or plates.