Very Plants, Molly's Succulent Mix, 5 Dry Quarts
- Helps prevent over-watering
- A cleaner alternative so soil-based mixes
- Organic, mineral, & pH-balanced
- Included beneficial mycorrhizae
- Easy to use
- Mollys Potting Mixes are 100% soil-free;
- Fast-draining, wont compact, no root rot
- No soil means no fungus gnats
- Packed with nutrients and beneficial microorganisms
- No pests or harsh chemicals
Very Plants- Molly's Succulent Mix, 5 Dry Quarts
Ultra-gritty, soil-free potting mix for succulents, cactus, and bonsai plants that mimics their natural growing environment, won't compact and is nearly impossible to over-water. Molly's Succulent Mix is 100% soil-free and guaranteed to be free of uninvited guests, provides good airflow around root systems and drains quickly after each watering. The mix contains a carefully-blended mix of premium organic and mineral ingredients for healthy growing, including Japanese Akadama and Hyuga, as well as bark fines, pumice stone, red and black lava rock, Rhizophagus irregularis, Bacillus pumilus, and assorted nutrients. Rhizophagus irregularis is a mycorrhizal agent in the mix acting as an extension of the plant's root system, improving the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients. Bacillus pumilus colonize plant roots, enhancing nutrient provision, controlling pathogens, and promoting natural defense systems. The different-sized particles in the mix ensure plenty of space for root growth and the weight of the ingredients provide plenty of support for the root ball, helping the plants to sit correctly in their pots. Molly's Succulent Mix is sold in a recyclable bag that includes a zipper to reseal the bag between uses. When watering your plants, make sure to water thoroughly and drain fully. If the mix is left to dry out completely, bottom-watering is recommended for rehydration. Bagged mix is best stored in a cool place and out of direct sunlight, with the bag unzipped to let air circulate for the organic and active ingredients in the mix. Unused bags can be stored in this manner for up to 12 months.
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